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How Bill Gates controls global communications and censorship Part 1: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health (Documentary by |
14.10.2023 |
Who hasn’t heard of Bill Gates, this heroic philanthropist who wants to save the world from global hardships with his fortune. In today’s program you will get to know a completely different side of this man: how he dictates the world’s health care, manipulates the news media, infiltrates the food industry, bribes governments, pushes weather manipulation, promotes genetic manipulation, develops total control, surveillance technologies and much more. In summary: Bill Gates − the world dictator with the profile of a dangerous criminal. 1. Bill Gates − the vaccination pope Bill Gates, a man with no medical training whatsoever, was declared the head of the 2012-2020 Global Vaccination Plan at the World Health Assembly, making him responsible for vaccinating all of humanity. Does this make sense? Or is there much more of an agenda behind this, the goal being to create a world in which all people can only participate in society if they get vaccinated several times a year? 2. Bill Gates − the world dictator Bill Gates is the major funder of the World Health Organization, which gives him full control over it. Bill Gates personally hired WHO Director Tedros, who used to be a militant communist terrorist in Ethiopia. The WHO has initiated the “Pandemic Treaty” which gives it totalitarian control over all countries in the world every time it declares a pandemic. If we understand that the WHO is essentially controlled by Bill Gates, we know that pandemics basically position Gates as the world dictator. 3. Bill Gates – the betrayer of the World The WHO, funded primarily by Bill Gates, can declare a pandemic at will, using any fraudulent diagnostic tool of its choosing. For example, it has chosen to use the completely flawed PCR test, which gives up to 94% false-positive results, making it the perfect tool to declare a “pandemic” based on inaccurate test results. In this way, Gates and his WHO can act as a one-world government at will. 4. Bill Gates − the pandemic prophet Bill Gates organizes “pandemic exercises” just before this very scenario becomes reality. For example, the pandemic exercise Event 201 took place just before the Corona pandemic. Isn’t it interesting that the man who actually becomes some kind of world dictator during a pandemic is the same person who always “prepares” the world for these pandemics? 5. Bill Gates bribes governments Politician Sara Cunial revealed in the Italian Parliament that Gates controls the Italian President. Members of the Nigerian parliament testified that Gates offered $10 million if the government imposed vaccinations on the Nigerian population. Gates denied this but agreed to pay $79 million to “help” Nigeria. As a result, Nigeria became the first country in the world to deny its unvaccinated citizens access to banking services. 6. Bill Gates − Chief of all doctors A man who has no medical training, never treated a patient, and knows nothing about medical care has been appointed the world’s leading “health authority.” He dictates to millions of medical professionals what they can and cannot do. A man who has spent most of his life in front of a computer now disenfranchises the medical world and rules our health care system. 7. Bill Gates − the destroyer of farmers Bill Gates finances numerous organizations that deal with agricultural development and engage in massive lobbying, even corruption, for example through the “Green Revolution” in Africa. Through these NGO’s Gates exerts direct influence on global food and agricultural policy, ruining the traditionally developed farming and plunging entire continents into ruin. 8. Bill Gates − Editor-in-Chief of All Media Bill Gates controls news agencies and media companies by donating over $300 million to them through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This includes many of America’s major news networks, including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic. Plus a host of influential foreign organizations, including the BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times, and The Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom; prominent European newspapers such as Le Monde (France), Der Spiegel (Germany), and El País (Spain); and major global television networks such as Al-Jazeera. This allows him to directly manipulate the news worldwide. 9. Bill Gates − the health controller Bill Gates established America’s largest foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in 2000. Donations totaling $28 billion flowed into various organizations, ostensibly for poverty eradication and vaccine development. What is problematic is that Bill Gates imposes his idea of health promotion through his foundations. For example, the Gates Foundation invests primarily in technical measures against infectious diseases, such as vaccination campaigns and the distribution of medicines. Health experts such as Thomas Gebauer of the aid organization “Medico International” criticize that other important tasks are neglected as a result − for example, the development of functioning health systems in poor countries. Bill Gates’ personal ideas and his financial influence thus pave the way for his global health control. 10. Bill Gates − Father of the “Fake” Meat Bill Gates builds laboratories in which synthetic meat is bred. This is ostensibly to counteract malnutrition globally. But in the end, this fake meat will displace natural livestock farming. Mankind thus not only loses its self-sufficiency but is also defenseless against the health hazards caused by this fake meat. 11 Bill Gates − the genetic manipulator Bill Gates buys hundreds of thousands of hectares of farmland and is now the largest agricultural landowner in the USA. He grows genetically modified crops with an enormous demand for extremely toxic pesticide sprays. Primarily those crops with a high protein content. This not only devastates agricultural land in the long term, but it also displaces natural cattle farming − practiced since the beginning of time. Like this the farming community is ruined in favor of industrial agriculture. 12. Bill Gates − the bioweapons manufacturer Bill Gates genetically modified and released millions of mosquitoes supposedly to eradicate malaria. In reality, he used them as a bioweapon, namely to inject humans, animals or plants with harmful or gene-modifying substances. 13. Bill gates − the controller of humanity While the plan to cover the world with surveillance cameras sounds like the plot of a bad science fiction movie, the project to monitor the entire planet in real time is an actual running-project due in large part to funding from Bill Gates. Washington-based EarthNow plans to put an army of more than 500 satellites into our atmosphere to provide its users with near-instantaneous video feedback with just a one-second delay. Nearly every corner of the planet will soon be monitored by video surveillance satellites capable of live-streaming human activity for “governments and large corporations.” Earth observation is a classic domain of intelligence agencies and militaries on behalf of the financial mafia: they also spy on missile launch pads, nuclear test sites, and terrorist camps. In other words: Non-stop video surveillance of the entire world. 14. Bill gates − the disease maker Bill Gates makes billions by investing in certain industries, all of which have something to do with disease-causing effects, such as obesity, diabetes and the like. The Gates Foundation holds shares in Coca Cola, in the food companies Pepsi Co, Unilever, Kraft-Heinz, Mondelez and Tyson Foods; in the alcohol companies Anheuser-Busch and Pernod. Health expert Thomas Gebauer speaks of an almost perverse division of labor: Gates earns twice: on the one hand, by causing the diseases and, on the other hand, as a “health pope”, by treating them. 15 Bill Gates − the “climate chaot” Bill Gates supports a project to extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to reduce CO2 levels. He also supports a Harvard University project to reflect sunlight back into space by injecting dust into the atmosphere. In this way, sunlight is to be kept away from the earth and a cooling effect is to be achieved. This is justified by the computer simulation of “global warming”, which has proven to be a complete hoax. 16. Bill Gates creates digital slave ID card Bill Gates is urging all governments in the world to make digital IDs mandatory. Through these digital IDs, people can be controlled and conditioned down to the last detail. I.e. access to buildings, acquisition of property, use of services and the like can be allowed favorably or restrictively, depending on the obedience to the regime. This enables the tyrannical financial mafia to hold people like slaves in a networked prison. Conclusion The saying “Not all that glitters is gold” also applies to Bill Gates. Even more so, the shinier the facade appears; the more virtuous and philanthropic Bill Gates pretends to be, the darker the reality is behind it, so actually he should be on the authorities’ “most wanted list” as one of the worst criminals. It is worthwhile to keep this 180 degree contortion of appearance and reality in mind when assessing other “philanthropists”, e.g. in environmental, climate or energy policy.
from hm; lexa; vic; herm; rena; doro; ew; bri
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