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27.01.2025 | www.kla.tv/31847
Interviewer: Well, this is an interview I've been wanting to do for a long time. Very happy, pleased, and honored to be with Joachim Hagopian. Joachim, thanks for joining us. [Min.00:12] Hagopian: Thank you, Dan. [Min.00:13] Interviewer: So I wonder if you could begin by just introducing yourself briefly to our audience. [Min.00:19:] Hagopian: Sure. Well, I was born on a naval base, submarine base, actually, in Vallejo, California. And so my dad did 20 years on submarines fighting in World War II and the Korean War and indoctrinated me to follow in his footsteps as an honorable idealist patriot in America. He was very proud of his country. And the rest of his family came over from Armenia. So I went off to West Point (U.S. Military Academy) at the height of the Vietnam War. And I was already by 1969, which is when I entered. The whole country had turned against the war. And I was already, you know (thinking): Mistake, big mistake! But, (you know), I already knew that going into West Point [West Point = United States Military Academy]. But I ended up going through it. I was involved in a court case. They ran up my demerits falsely. Honorable institution, cadets do not lie, cheat or steal, but officers sure do. They'll run you out because I was very outspoken about the system. I didn't believe in the fourth class system. The hazing , it was all very demeaning and inhumane and no way to train leadership. The wrong way, you know. But they had a say. They had an expression. To be a good leader, you got to be a good follower, you know. So, anyway, I managed to graduate. Had to get a lawyer and do the court case and get back in. But I graduated. And I did a little time as an officer. Worked at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Home of the field artillery. And finally got out because I knew that it was my father's dream, not mine, to be a military man. Yeah. My natural instinct is psychology. I love studying human nature and finding out more about life and philosophy and all the rest. So I ultimately went back to school and earned a master in clinical psychology and became a licensed therapist out in California, in L.A. And worked out there for 27 years in the mental health field. Working with mostly abused children and youth and adolescents, and many of which were sex abuse victims. And that was a most fulfilling experience. Obviously, it's a harsh, area to deal with because, you know, it's just it drives against every human good instinct the human can have. But anyway, I did feel like I was really helping the young people. And it was very fulfilling for me. And so, yeah, I did that for 27 years. And then I was in in Los Angeles. I realized that my father had dementia and he was unable to really care for himself. So I went back to Vermont and took care of my dad, along with my brother. We had a shift, each one of us, because he was falling down. He lived to be 100. One month, one week, one day. So one, one, one. One century, one month, one week, one day. He was a very great man. Anyway, beyond that, I ended up actually getting into writing. I was done with the mental health career. Initially, because I moved out of California, I looked into what it takes to transfer - as a licensed therapist for many years - from one state to the next. But then they make you start over like you're a rookie out of college again. So I wasn't going to have that. I had like all those years in and I wasn't going to do that. So I always wanted to be a writer. I was always pretty good with writing ability. So that's where I went. I decided there was so much going on in the world. And this is now like 2014. And so I sent out my query to a number of alternative news websites. And I got one response back. And I'm glad it was him. Michel Chossudovsky from Global Research [globalresearch.ca]. A very honorable and good man. He's been out there with Global Research for a long time. A great alternative news website - one of the best. [Min. 5.22] Interviewer: I've seen your articles there. Are they based in Canada? [Min. 05:27] Hagopian: Yes, they are. Yeah. [Min. 05:30] Hagopian: So, I had already written my own West Point story. I did many versions of it. It's still unpublished as a book. But anyway, I'm going to change that. Eventually. It is going to be a book. Yes, I had a unique experience, so I wanted to record it. And it was a critique of the U.S. military leadership system based on my own life. So that that will come out probably this year, I do hope. Anyway. So I got into the field of journalism and that's where I've been ever since. Of course, I did the five books on pedophilia. Yeah. I was approached in probably about February of 2017. First by James Fetzer, who is a real heavyweight in the alt news world. He's written many books for example; "Nobody died at Sandy Hook“ and a whole bunch more. He's a false flag expert. And anyway, we were together. I did a stretch with veterans today as a journalist. And we were both columnists on that website. So. I knew him for quite a few years and I've been writing in articles about the pedophilia. And basically the the the big one at the time was Pizzagate, you know, in 2016, just ahead of the election. And so I was writing about that. I was writing about Jeffrey Epstein. And so he came to me and said, you know, you need to write the book on this. Yeah. This topic is so important. And Bing the light bulb went off and I I jumped into it. And and then ironically… [Min.7:30 ] Interviewer: you didn't write the book. You wrote the five books. [ Min.7:32] Hagopian: Yeah. Well, it ended up I thought I was going to do one book initially. But ironically, two months later, the former CIA officer, renegade, alternative news guy, who's unfortunately, probably deceased, - there's some mystery surrounding that - Robert David Steele approached me about two months after that. And I was already into the writing of it and he suggested the same thing. So when I got two heavyweights in the field telling me to do the book on such an important topic. Of course, I could not refuse. And I was doing articles anyway. So so it was pretty easy for me. But man, when I. When I embarked on that, I did think it was probably going to be maybe nine months a year at the most and one book and that would be it. Yeah. Well, it turned into four years and three months and five books later. Yeah. Because I wanted to cover the world. It is a global problem, a global scourge on humanity that we have not done a good job taking care of our children. And what kind of culture, society or world are we living in when the humans in charge are doing the damage against our children and we allow it? And it's been going on century, millennia after millennia and…So, yeah, I get very passionate about it and everybody should be passionate about this topic, you know? So that's kind of my little resume in words. [Min. 9:12] Interviewer: Okay, yeah. Well, today we're going to be specifically talking about the world. We're going to be specifically focusing on book four of that five book series and the name of the book is Pedophilia and Empire, Satan, Sodomy and the Deep State, book four, North America's shameful pedophilia scandals like never before. And I want to take one quote from your book from page 147, which I think kind of encapsulates the whole idea. And your background; it‘s perfect for this. I mean, it's not just the military. I'd say you're especially in tune with what's going on in the military, but this affects business, government, entertainment. I mean, after reading this, you'd think that every part of our society that has any power or influence is touched by this, this, this situation. And what you say is: "Only until we successfully eliminate this pedophilia scourge and its Luciferian blackmail system of political and economic control and deception, can humanity usher in an age of transparency, peace, prosperity and justice.“ So where would you like to start in talking about this pedophilia scourge? [Min.10:23] Hagopian: Well, it goes back and the book one, I get into the whole ancient times to present and come up through the Catholic Church and that outlet of the religious side of it in book one. And so they've been doing blood sacrifices as long as I think humans have been on the earth. And I actually did in book one, also some history on the Anunnaki, extra-terrestial civilization that came down on the spaceships in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) and Sumeria at that time and how these giants emerged from the spaceship that were then worshiped by the hominins in the area as gods. And they were a ruthless civilization and people. They engaged in blood sacrifice. They engaged in pedophilia, they engaged in rape, they engaged in war, they engaged in all the things that are going on right now! Things haven't changed in all these thousands of years unfortunately! [Min. 11:42] Interviewer:] Are these Anunnaki what um you would you would find in the bible as the Nephilim is this the same thing or is it different? [Min. 11:50] Hagopian: Exactly, exactly they are the Nephilim. They are the giant Nephilim, fallen angels yes, and basically the bloodline rulers today are their descendants and they're doing the same things that were done thousands of years ago! They're doing the same thing.They are satanists they are - in a short word - they are satanists controlling the earth. And they've been doing it in control all the time that humans have been. Well, they spliced the hominin with their own genes, their own DNA, and came up with the humans at that time. And this is probably - the estimate is about 450,000 years ago. So you can say - and that's kind of in book one; that for 450 000 years they enslaved the human population. But then, their own workers you know said: we're on strike we're not going to do this. This is dirty work and so the hominins - and basically the Anunnaki spliced and became the humans at that time. And then later it was all the story going around, that this was adapted by the philistine rabbis in the old testament and instead of the many gods they condensed it into one god and so the the bloodlines; the bloodlines of the Rothschilds the royal families, the black nobility of Europe, these have been the controllers all this time and we humans have been slaves all this time. [Min. 13:58] Interviewer: I just read an article about the black nobility and well, did you hear that in the in the renaissance era the top guy in northern Italy was called the doge. And interestingly they're using this word to describe the Department of Government Efficiency: DOGE and somehow Elon Musk is…well, the gist of the article was that he's somehow connected to the ancient… [Min 14:25] Hagopian: He‘s today's anointed doge, the oligarch of war! And and he's controlled opposition, like Trump right. They're not good guys.They are not. They'll say some good things here and there, but they do bad things. Without… - They try and hide the bad things but the controllers - which are those bloodlines - use them as controlled opposition basically against the western puppets. So they use controlled opposition so that the people latch on, thinking: "Oh yeah these people are for us! Oh yeah! And they get all excited. It is all divide and rule, divide and rule, divide and rule and deception. That's how they retain their power all this millennia time. [Min.15:17] Interviewer: Yes, yes, now in the book just astonishingly high figures of the number of kids that you say are trafficked every year around the world. What comes to mind is at least a million in the states every year and eight million worldwide. How do you verify these numbers? 15:38 Hagopian: Well, obviously - to me it's gone up - But that figure goes back a ways. I don't know if there's really even any accurate measurement. Really and I mean, that‘s the bottom line. But I can tell you that number came up probably 10 years ago; it's been a while. And and people just use that as the quote. Now it was legitimately formalized. I forgot what agency or organization, but that number has been used - cited. But we know the numbers have gone up in 10 years. [Numbers of missing children: WSJ reported this about 10 years ago, several links below] It's becoming a bigger problem! Right now - and we're talking about book four here which is north America - right now the United States is the largest world child sex trafficker in the world. All over the planet! We are the worst; our government and certain (organizations). You see, it is the biggest organized crime, that's for sure. It brings in the revenue, bigger than anything else. And I believe that it's overtaken drugs as the biggest money maker. So there's plenty of incentive - the money power incentive - and it's run by the puppet masters they're doing it. 17:04 Interviewer: Okay so thinking about I'm thinking about um motives and incentives and the why that this goes on. Now of course you just mentioned the money but at its core what is the reason for the elites having this gigantic pedophile network. What's it for? 17:27 Hagopian: Well, like I said, the the original Anunnakis were into all this; flesh rape incest um you know every negative quote aberrant, aberration of, you know the sexual exploitation and and degradation. They were into all that and it never left, so that's how I explain it. It has historically been there embedded for forever and I guess more in the modern times it's being used to control all the puppets: the, the ones that are in charge you know. But they're not really in charge but but that's how they're controlled. 18:19 Interviewer: Now, political blackmail has been around for millennia too and so my question is: is this pedophilia, child rape trafficking actually more prevalent than your standard get a picture of a guy with a hooker? Obviously, I mean it's got to be far more effective because I mean that's really … child torture, child rape and murder is about the worst possible thing that can be. And so if you can get someone on that I guess what can you say: they're yours forever. But is this stuff even worse than your standard setups? 19:04 Hagopian: You can't do anything more evil! There is nothing else on the books, nothing that you can even imagine that, in my opinion is more evil and I think that's probably what the consensus of most people would conclude. And I think it has evolved or should I say devolved from as you said: hookers and extramarital affairs for controlling the puppets. As you know that was the main way of doing it back I guess, up to maybe the 1950s and 60s and then it started shifting. Then slowly, it wasn't such a big deal to be an adulterer. You know you're not going to be thrown out of your position as a puppet - back in the 70s. So you have to use the currency of children's flesh that will then control the puppet gatekeepers. Yeah, so that's how it evolved. But it's always been there but that's how it evolved into the control mechanism of the puppet class. 20:12 Interviewer: Yeah. Now there is some really unpleasant stuff. But I I think people need to go read the book but those who aren't they need to hear it here, at least whatever we can say, and it goes far beyond just … I mean bad enough someone is caught under the covers with an underage child and Epstein style gets pictures taken of them … but much much worse than that goes on. Maybe you can describe a little of that because I certainly don't want to. 20:51 Hagopian: Yeah. Well the so-called elites engage in - well they are satanists - I mean actually - now you could call them Illuminati, you can call them the knights of Malta: the high end of all these secret societies. The Jesuits: so you know these are the catholic branch of it. Then there are the Illuminati satanists and and a number of of different groups that engage in occult, sexual, ritual, blood sacrifice abuse of children. And, well it's - the closest thing that is commonly known about it is in film; Stanley Kubrick's last film Eyes Wide Shut it touched on it. It did not go into it deeply. He wanted to. He had had three hour plus film material while he was doing the film editing himself, when they murdered him. They murdered him for that. And for leaking that we did not go to the moon. Those two things got him (ended his life). He was fascinated by the elite. He ran with them and and obviously he was the genius of geniuses as a filmmaker. So yeah, they got him. But that's the kind of thing that these secret societies have been doing for a long time. 22:28 Interviewer: So can I just interject here just for for for our listeners? I‘m sure you and I have seen it before. The listeners who haven't seen the Stanley Kubrick film "Eyes Wide Shut“ starring Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise and many other famous actors. There's the scene that really kind of hits you hard is the main character Tom Cruise goes to a party and it's actually this luciferian ritualistic orgy in some out of the way place in the suburbs of New York and it's basically a sex orgy and it also appears to be some sort of, I don't know, ancient luciferian cult ritual. You've seen that scene I assume. Would you say it's fairly accurate? 23:16 Hagopian: For how far it goes, yes, I think it's probably fairly accurate. But, obviously this is where they do the eating of the organs and the blood and the whole bit: This is where they do that. But, my understanding is that he wanted to show child abuse and they were not going to have it (allow that) and they took him out. 23:40 Interviewer: Yeah. Could you tell us, for our listeners I'm sure many would have heard these these terms the names of these things, but what is Monarch and what is MK Ultra? 23:54 Hagopian: Well, it evolved out of Nazi Germany they brought Mengele the doctor, surgeon, mind controller over to America along with a bunch of other Nazis. And so basically it becomes - he was a concentration camp doctor who experimented on the working group of Jews I guess there. Twins - he did twin studies in Germany. Anyway, he came up with the method of what's called the MK Ultra monarch program in America for using basically physical, emotional, sexual abuse to program children usually, although they do it with older people too, but it's mostly done to children. Because then they have a longer lifespan or shelf life you might say and they are programmed into being basically, well sex slaves or runners of drugs or super soldiers. They program them…. 25:25 Interviewer: How about programmable assassins? 25:27 Hagopian: Yes, yeah assassins, presidents, prime ministers: Obama, you know his family was CIA and Clinton he also! I think that a number of politicians have also been MK Ultra (programmed) and anyway; yeah it's it's the it's the most inhumane evil way to mind control an individual, that usually is done at a very young age. They usually - well the Illuminati is part of this whole practice the Illuminati and MK Ultra they go together really. So they they get them when they're I don't know, probably eight or nine somewhere around that age and they start doing this horrible treatment and uh… 26:24 Interviewer: Which includes: torture, mind control, sexual abuse… 26:26 Hagopian: Oh yeah; it‘s sadistic torture, sexual torture, humiliation, degradation, all of these things go into it. Then these children, they are used as basically tools for the evil cabal. That's how it‘s been. That's how it's operated. You know they caught some heat back in the 70s with senator Church, Church committee [Church Committee = US Senate Select Committee, which uncovered that the US government was involved assassinations of foreign presidents and cruel human experiments] and the CIA - and fresh off the being the director of the CIA was George H. W. Bush is who was one of the worst pedophiles he ran the pedophilia operations in America as president. [George H.W. Bush: The Unauthorized Biography] He was a Nazi. Anyway and his whole family is steeped in all of that. And that was basically what the Nebraska Franklin-Scandal [Nebraska Franklin Scandal: US child sex scandal involving high-ranking politicians. Witnesses also reported satanic rituals and the murder of children. -> „The Franklin Coverup“ by John DeCamp] was about, by the way, the one that leads to the white house that Tom Brokaw on NBC's news broke on the news waves back in - it was probably in the early 1990s when it came out, and it was a huge story. Basically it had to do with all the stuff that we're talking about now. Because that was the biggest scandal in America that went from the president on down… colonel - lieutenant colonel Michael Aquino [Michael Aquino = American Satanist (High Priest of the Temple of Set). Psychological warfare specialist for US military intelligence.] he was part of that and he was a programmer; an MK Ultra programmer. He was actually in in the secret military he was a general because he was in charge of this whole mind control, sex trafficking program in America. So informally the guy was a general in this whole cabal. Michael Aquino. He got into some trouble because he was engaging in this kind of activity in California and his name came up as part of the whole occult aspect of mind control, torture and sexual abuse. But he managed to be protected you know he died and nothing ever came to have any prosecution of him uh because he was so powerful in the hierarchy of this deep state criminal cabal 29:02 Interviewer: Yes, speaking of the Franklin-Scandal, man what a chapter that was in your book. I have so many highlights here. But I want to read one for our audience and it's just amazing to me that all the way to the very top you get involvement in this. Listen to this audience: “the already in progress political shindigs would always arrange high-class call girls furnished by another likely murdered D. C. madame, for also knowing too much, supplying attending party goers from the house and senate and foreign dignitaries with voodoo-laced alcoholic beverages to ensure they were sufficiently intoxicated and manageable for what would come next. About that time Bush, Cheney [Bush and Cheney: Research Cathy O‘Brien‘s book: „Trance Formation of America“ -> excerpts in sources] and Sununu [Sununu = Former Governor of New Hampshire and White House Chief of Staff under G.H.W. Bush] would arrive escorting the targeted children.“ I didn‘t think you would have them doing that job. And after reading this I thought: Okay Bush, Cheney and Sununu bring in the kids, then the party begins. Things are being filmed, recorded, And now you have what? A Collection of Men, Politicians and so forth that are highly blackmailable. But my question to you is: How come you haven't been wacked for putting this stuff out there? What do you do to protect yourself? 30:22 Hagopian: I pray to God a lot. Yeah, literally I pray that I'm protected by white light protection and I hope that - I have been told that there are some - that there are certain elements within the intelligence agencies that are in my favor and are protecting me. I've been told that. I don't know what to believe actually. But yeah, I mean, I have been very fortunate. I moved out 10 years ago of America because what I write is so, as you know, so attacking of our evil government that I felt peace of mind here. I know that there's no place on earth where one is truly protected. They can come and get you. I just had on November 21st one of my close friends who is also a military warrior as myself, Scott Bennett - you might have heard of him - he was a whistleblower in the military, they put him in the prison for two years and anyway he was… he only lived to be I guess 50 or something like that. But they murdered him. He was a commentator for rt news network the largest in the world and and they had him over in Ukraine during the war of course, broadcasting from there, the truth about the war and that's where they actually got him and he ended up diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was already the fourth stage you know I mean it goes very fast. They have ways! They have ways of oust - of outing people! And by the way, with the Franklin-Scandal [Read: „The Franklin Coverup“ by John DeCamp] the investigator he was an attorney, he got whacked, his whole…his son went down with him, a young son in the plane but this is what they do they've been engaging in assassination for a long time! Just of anybody. See my friend Scott Bennett was getting to have a big voice as a whistleblower warrior for truth and justice, and when you rise up too high, that's what they do, they whack you! You're a threat and they get rid of you. They always have their means of making it look like, oh it's some kind of natural death. You know they always broadcast that out and people just accept it like you know dumbed down people.. 33:09 Interviewer: Yeah. Hey, planes go down. 33:10 Hagopian: It's really tragic. 33:14 Interviewer: Yeah, for the audience what he's referring to is one of the investigators I think maybe the top investigator in the Franklin-Scandal he was up in I think it was Chicago to to get serious damning and conclusive evidence of… 33:29 Hagopian: Affidavits yeah… 33:30 Interviewer: Affidavits, well and pictures too, right many many pictures 33:31 Hagopian: Yes, yeah… 33:33 Interviewer: And pictures of pedophilia. He writes or he calls his wife or he sends her a mail or something. I guess there was no email at that time. Anyway he contacts his wife and says honey I've got it, I've got the goods on these guys. And then he gets on an airplane with his son and I thought: “Man, is this guy an amateur“. I mean keep it quiet or let it all out and certainly don't ride on an airplane. Man how many people have died on airplanes investigating stuff in the middle of an investigation. 34:10 Hagopian: Yeah, yeah, it's pretty pathetic how how they've been able to operate and get away with it for so long. 34:14 Interviewer: Yeah. Now when you mentioned the MK Ultra conditioning one thing you talked about quite a bit in your books is this woman named Kay Griggs. Kay Griggs was a the wife of I think it was a marine corps general is that correct? 34:33 Hagopian: He was a colonel yeah in military intelligence 33:37 Interviewer: Yes, and now in between chapters in your book when I was washing the dishes or something I'd turn on the YouTube [Kay Griggs testimony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpOUWvVKjFI] and watch that she has a seven hour interview from I think it's like 1998 and it is fascinating and she sounds very believable. The stuff she says is like "why would you ever put this dangerous stuff out“ - you know they're going to go after you with this. But she was very brave. And basically her theory is anybody at, let's say the colonel or general level, anybody at that level and even captain level, to a certain extent - whether they engage in it or not, everybody knows what's going on. Like at the higher levels of the military everyone knows what's going on. Would you concur with that? 35:30 Hagopian: Oh yeah yeah. Unfortunately there are a lot of Illuminati satanist types that are generals. Obama got rid of the patriot generals and so, yes we have the the order following, Illuminati crowd unfortunately I went to school by the way with the outgoing secretary of defense currently; Lloyd Austin. I was his assistant squad leader at West Point when he was a plebe… 36:03 Interviewer: And did he seem as inept at that time as he does today? 36:07 Hagopian: Yeah! Basically you know, as I said, I didn't believe in the fourth class system as a means of training leadership. 36:15 Interviewer: What is that: The fourth class system? 36:22 Hagopian: That's the plebe system, the hazing system, the disciplinary system. And he was a plebe and so, we were supposed to haze him; you know all this kind of crap. So, they report to the upperclassman's room and that I was an upperclassman a junior at the time and and I explained. You know they're all supposed to be standing there at attention and you are supposed to engage: “The days!“, them: "Sir! The day…!“ you know like that. But, I wouldn't have it. It's not - so I told them; I told these I guess four plebes - first year cadets - you're going to relax in my room. Yeah we do have to go through the ritual you know because that's the way it's done and not you know can't get out from beyond this room but when you're in here you're a human being, and you're gonna act like a human being not as a machine not a robot. I don't believe in the system. I on went like that and I could see on his face he was baffled he'd never heard anybody talk like this before. He bought into the system. He bought in as an order following robot and then used affirmative action to punch his ticket all the way up to the top because they knew they could trust him for all the evil that he would do. So what's some of the evil that he did?! As a four-star general in Iraq he ended up recruiting for ISIS that was Obama, Hillary Clinton and even another West Point graduate. Yes, so yeah he was part of the whole formation of ISIS he ran a program that was supposed to recruit these quote „good militant terrorists“ for America and then they all went over to ISIS but the US, Israel and the Gulf States, Saudi Arabia etc they created ISIS to be the proxy in the middle east for them to this very day. It‘s still going on so… yeah, well go ahead. 38:40 Interviewer: Well I was going to say one more thing about Kay Griggs. I guess it's part of the hazing or just part of the culture itself but just she said deadpan straight out, she said: "Oh and by the way the generals the colonels they engage in sex orgies. They start with the women and then the women are kicked out and then it becomes a gay sex orgy among the officer class“ and she said furthermore most of the special forces are bisexual too. I mean this was off the charts. Like navy seals and so forth. 39:15 Hagopian: Yeah, she called it a brotherhood that they have, where they engage in all these very deviant activities together; homosexual and and even with kids too. Well you look at the Skull and Bone secret society. These are the Yale guys. I guess that they're old now, but, I don't know. But part of their ritual for their orientation to become a member as a skull and bones man is that you go inside a casket and you jizz off basically. No, no, the surrounding senior members of the Skull and Bones basically jack off on you. This is all a degradation ritual that will force you to comply with what they're about. And of course they go on and become presidents and and you know all the top gatekeepers of the world type - this type plot. So this is what she described and her husband was a Princeton (University) grad you know who has the same similar program, so very revealing. 40:32 Interviewer: So these big rituals are just to establish loyalty really. To make sure you never leave the flock. 40:36 Hagopian: Yeah… 40:37 Interviewer: Now you mentioned in one part of your book, you mentioned three names, you put them together. Lee Harvey Oswald [CIA asset, John F. Kennedy's murderer according to the US authorities, just a patsy according to independent witnesses. See kla.tv/31166] , Timothy McVeigh [According to the authorities, he carried out the 1995 Oklahoma City bomb attack in which 168 people died.], Jeffrey Dahmer [US serial killer]. Okay these people are infamous for their criminality but do they have something else in common. Do you think they were some of these MK Ultra subjects and were brainwashed when they were young? 41:01 Hagopian: Yes, yes, stooges patsies yes they were used by the intelligence system this very sick really evil system as their dupes to play out their role historically. And basically you can take right up to the new year's day escapades of state-sponsored terrorism [State sponsored terrorism: Watch our broadcast on the topic -> www.kla.tv/26418] in Las Vegas and New Orleans [Terror Attack on Jan 1st 2025 in New Orleans, Car explosion killing US-Army soldier on Jan 2nd 2025 in Las Vegas].These were dupes one of them was probably a whistleblower, because the one in Las Vegas, that basically was outside of the Trump hotel in Las Vegas and the car blew up - the truck. Actually it was a Tesla truck that blew up but he actually was a whistleblower. He was actually still active duty in the military. I think 19 years long, or something like that. He had access in his military career to some of the reverse engineering that the ET (extra-terrestrial) and all of this crash landings of extra-terrestrials, ETs. All that was kept withheld from the American public. That we have spacecraft that have all this technology that we are not privy to and he was one of the whistleblowers: he was probably working with Dr. Steven Greer [Dr. Steven Greer = American ufologist, Founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, which seeks to disclose secret UFO information] who's also heading a bunch of whistleblowers, to come forth and talk about all this technology that's been withheld from the public and I think that was a hit on him. But there's more to it than that. I did write an article recently on that. But the other guy, in New Orleans that was in the truck that ran over the truck as killed 14 people or something like that. On Bourbon Street I think. It was kind of like - well there were these very poor quality dividers that were supposedly only for pedestrian traffic and he went right by a police car that was supposedly, you know supposely a way to stop the people. Well it didn't stop this guy, but anyway my point is yes these guys are all basically on drugs working for the system. They prey on these people to carry out their orders of state-sponsored terrorism and we see it over and over and over. Mass casualty events are almost always these duped people that are mind controlled by CIA and FBI. 43:56 Interviewer: On page 93 you have a term "congressional house slave“ what is a congressional house slave? Are you talking about interns, are you talking about people who have gone through the MK Ultra program? 44:10 Hagopian: Congressional house what? I didn't get it. 44:14 Interviewer: Congressional house slave. I was wondering what that might have meant? 44:18 Hagopian: Oh, okay. All right, yeah, these are the interns that they take advantage of very often sexually and to play roles for them that are dirty politics. 44:35 Interviewer: Yes you mentioned in your book it says "congressional house slaves also become convenient spies keeping tabs on the political puppets for the likes of the Bushes and Clintons and their bosses the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. At the highest echelons of power gifted child sex slaves that possess remote viewing capabilities…“ [Remote Viewing = psychic technique developed by the CIA in the 1970s to obtain information. Comparable to clairvoyance. -> Kla.tv/25367] so these are quite talented young people. 44:57 Hagopian: Well supposedly part of that process of brainwashing and torture under the monarch program, it opens up innate capacities to be able to capture in memory a lot of things. And then bring it back - as messengers - of what they spy on so they're misused in every way for evil purposes 45:26 Interviewer: Right. Another thing you mentioned is…you talk about quote "America's so-called communist enemies“. And I wonder why you say "so-called“. I have an idea why, I'm thinking, maybe it's kind of like today: I'm not so sure Putin is actually the bogeyman we think he is. I think he might be a globalist just like all of them. But all through the cold war we had an enemy and that sort of kept the funding going to the military-industrial complex. And isn't it just that we always have to have an enemy? And I wonder to what extent both sides were kind of in a 1984 "we're just going to play off each other to control our own populations“. Were the communists our true enemies were they? 46:20 Hagopian: Well if you look at a little bit of history, first of all the Rothschilds have been controlling and they've been creating conflicts globally for over two centuries and they financed both sides to all the wars, in order to make money off the war. So yeah, it's always divide and rule, create the enemy and so they've been using that methodology to maintain control and increase their power for centuries now. So, the whole thing, if you look at the Rothschild money, they financed the Bolsheviks revolution in Russia - these were comprised of mostly Jews by the way, [Jews in Bolshevik revolution: also watch kla.tv/23558]. Jews are a huge part of the problem; Israel and Jews. I'm only talking about the top level Jews. But they're only one-fifth of one percent of the world population yet you look at the global control of the western puppets and they're all - the majority are Jews. You look at how Israel is perpetrating genocide against the true Semites. If you look at history Palestinians the Ashkenazim have no Hebrew or Semite blood in them yet they are the anti-Semites committing genocide against the Semites the Palestinians. And look at how they're always able to get away with it and America always supports them. But I've run into conflicts with certain others recently that are out there talking, doing their thing. I agree that the high echelons is a Jewish problem however I'm not one to do the broad stroke and say yes it's the Jews, all Jews, all Jews are bad. Well no, that's stupid to think like that. It's not true! Because the majority of Jews are halfway decent people like the rest of us, that aren't rich, that aren't powerful and so you condemn a whole group. And guess what? That makes stupid people think „Oh man, my times are so rough! I hate the Jews!“, And that's the wrong thing to do! The wrong thing. The right thing to do is: Go against those in power that are abusing their power and have an agenda to kill off the human race and replace us with A.I. and robotics. That's the group that's at the top, that's doing all this horror. 48:55 Interviewer: Okay, so you would say it's largely comprised of Jews, but you use specific language. You say it's the Zionist blackmail control mechanism, and you call it Luciferian. How is it Luciferian, or is it just because it goes back to these ancient sort of demonic rituals? 49:18 Hagopian: Yeah, exactly. I mean, they carried on traditions where they do the secret societies, and, you know, you can be the Catholic end of it with the Jesuits and Malthas or Knights of Columbus. You know, all of that. Or you can do the Illuminati end, or you can do the Zionist end, but they all work together. And it's all an amalgamation of power and control that wants to make this absolute power, where the human herd is thinned down from 8 billion to a half a billion [Georgia Guidestones: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. -> kla.tv/6012], and they're replaced by robotics and AI, which I just wrote articles on and just did a program with Fetzer, talking about my belief that the demonic forces are now in the cloud and the AI. There are a lot of scientists and high-tech entrepreneurs, even Elon Musk, that say: „We've got to watch out because AI might destroy the human race!“ So we're on the verge of all this now! So, yeah, it's a big problem. 50:32 Interviewer: Well, if the powers that be, if their intermediate aim is to destroy so that they can rebuild, and if they build the AI, then it wouldn't be surprising. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a completely destructive and demonic force. What is Disney's pedo-connection, Disney? 50:54 Hagopian: Well, Walt Disney was a high-degree Freemason, you know? Yeah, the early Disney stuff. It's classic. I love it. I was raised on that stuff. But Disney has become kind of an evil force. Well, first of all, they're very woke. They're losing money now, by the way, because they were so woke in all their products that people aren't buying it. You know, the whole LGBTQ transgender bullshit, people aren't buying it! 51:31 Interviewer: Yeah. 51:31 Hagopian: And so, yeah, they've been - well, you know, like I say, Walt was a Freemason. And he engaged in all that secret stuff. So, yeah, it's a corporation that is up to no good. And you look at a lot of those, Mickey Mouse Club (members), they're all MK Ultra [More sources in the show notes beneath the text of this interview], a whole bunch of them. 51: 57 Interviewer: Yep. Those children have been brainwashed and programmed, you're saying? 52:04 Hagopian: Yeah, many of them. 52:06 Interviewer: Wow. Now, your book, I get the impression that part four was written over the course of a year or two, because some of the things seem to come from around maybe 2018, but other things are a little more current into the 2020s. Is that correct? 52:28 Hagopian: Yeah. I injected some of the stuff that was going on with Covid and all that into it. 52:37 Interviewer: Well, and some of the early parts of the book mention, it was written in Trump's first year of his first presidency, and you were skeptical but hopeful about the possibility that Trump was going to come in and take down this pedophile network. At least to some extent. Well, now we can have a report card of his first four years and everything he's done up until now and his choice of his cabinet. Are you still sanguine at all? Or do you think, no, we're not going to get anywhere with this guy? What do you think? 52:23 Hagopian: We're not getting anywhere except where the evil ones want to go. He's completely controlled opposition. You know, I was hopeful, and I tried to keep an open mind, you know. I mean, yes, he was a best buddy of Jeffrey Epstein. They ran together for years. He did a little interview in the New Yorker magazine saying: Oh, yeah, Jeff's a buddy of mine. Oh, he loves the young ones. He knew what was going on. He also, just ahead of the 2016 election against Hillary, that he won - what a surprise - he basically had a lawsuit filed by a woman who, at age 13, was raped by Donald Jerome Trump. And they bought her off. And she went away. And the case went away. And he got elected. So, however, I also have to say, he separated himself from Epstein. Back after he got into trouble, of course, which was I guess the first go-round was 2009 or 2008, something like that, when Epstein was investigated by the Palm Beach Police. But up to that time, he was a close buddy. Very close. They had places in Manhattan, and they had places in Palm Beach, and they were buddies for years prior. Then he distanced himself. But I will give Trump this. And maybe he saw the writing on the wall and knew he had to separate, that kind of thing. But anyway - and this was after the first go-round where they gave Epstein the sweetheart deal. Yeah. In 2016, on Twitter, Trump said, we got to get rid of these pedophiles. It's a real problem. He actually said that way before he actually went for president election. In 2012. And he also broadcasted as president that we're coming after you. Now, I can't say that he was a crusader to actually rid the gatekeeping class of pedophiles and hire, which were the Rothschilds, that bailed them out, supposedly repeatedly, of bankruptcy. So he's always been a tool for those at the top, the ones that are part of the whole pedophilia scourge on this earth. So you think he really means it when he says he's going to end the war in 24 hours in Ukraine? No. He's completely owned and controlled by Israel and the Rothschilds. So the same. . . And he's married now to Elon and the high-tech kind of merger into this whole AI bullshit of control, 24/7 surveillance, the digital currency, the social credit score, all of this stuff is coming in. He also has even gone on record during the election saying anybody that's anti-Semitic, meaning anybody that has a little problem with the genocide going over against Palestinians. Oh, they're now anti-Semites, which we made a law now. That's an anti-Semitism law. That will lock people up for even sticking up for the Palestinians. That's how inverse this world is. And he's a proponent and a dupe and a controlled person, totally at the helm to bring down America. That's. . . You say, you know, make America great again. Well, it's just the opposite. Make Israel great again until it's blown up. It's going to be gone in World War III. And unfortunately, the United States is also going to be destroyed. It's a very sad ending here, but that's where we're fast headed. 57:36 Interviewer: Yeah. And one thing about that "sweetheart deal" you mentioned for Epstein: The guy who arranged the "sweetheart deal" for Epstein [Alex Acosta arranged the deal. More on him: www.kla.tv/28828] is the one that Trump made his secretary of labor in 2017 or so. 57:50 Hagopian: And Wilbur Ross, the Rothschild agent, he made the commerce secretary. 57: 54 Interviewer: Yeah. And as long as we're rolling off names here. And along with Epstein being a good buddy. And of course, Epstein is going to get stuff on Trump, because if Trump has future political aspirations, you know, the people who know what's going on are going to tell Epstein what to do. But what about Roy Cohn [Roy Cohn= Influential lawyer connected to the White House and the Mafia. Ran a blackmailing ring similar to Epstein's. More in him in the sources below this Interview], who was apparently Trump's mentor? 58:19 Hagopian: Yeah. When he was young, growing up, he was the man for the Trump family. And yeah, it was his mentor. And he ran the sex abuse operations on the East Coast, from Washington all the way to Connecticut. He was the man. 58:37 Interviewer: OK, it doesn't look good with our prospects with Trump, but let's just say, let me give some of my lingering Trump holdouts, let me propose this. Joachim Hagopian is going to say, well, if Trump wants to redeem himself, he has to do X by this date, what are a couple of things he could do to semi-redeem himself or put himself on the path to redemption? 59:08 Hagopian: Get out of NATO. Get out of the UN. Now, it's not going to happen. But, you know, if he really wanted to do right by all the people on this earth, he would get out of NATO, get out of the UN. You know, make sure that the World Health Organization goes down and is ended. And the tariff idea, that strategy, that's not going to work. No trade will happen if they're having to pay all these high prices. No way. This whole thing is doomed to fail, but that's all by design. 59:52 Interviewer: Yep. Yep. OK, well, while everything's crumbling around us, we have to prepare for our rebuild, the good people have to get ready to rebuild, ourselves. And one thing we have to do is we have to find out what's going on. And that's why I highly recommend Joachim Hagopian's "Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and the Deep State". You can get it on Amazon. Anything else we can do, Joachim, what can us good guys do? 1:00:29 Hagopian: Well, I want to say that that book for it also includes a chapter on Canada. And we have Castro Trudeau [Castro-Trudeau = Refers to the thesis that Trudeau is directly related to Cuban leader Fidel Castro] . That just resigned. He was a pedophile. You know, they only put these kind of people in charge. They're the gatekeepers that will do what they're told. And I also did a chapter on Hollywood and the horror there, too. And I've done recent articles on the L. A. I lived there for 37 years in Los Angeles, longer than any other place I've lived in my entire life. So that fire situation and what they're doing there, because that was direct energy weapons all the whole bit. It's you know, I mean, everything's for basically the smart city, 15 minute smart cities, 24/7 surveillance, all of that. They're going for it. They're going to get it. There's going to be a lot of dead people in the near future. World War Three and the rest of people can't afford food and shelter. It's going to get you know, there's more homelessness now in America than any prior time in our history. It's going to get really ugly. So get right with God. And get some people around you that you love and care for and fight for your survival, because that's what it's down to. 01:01:38 Interviewer: OK, well, Mr. Joachim Hagopian, thank you very much for the interview today. It was a pleasure. 01:01:43 Hagopian: Thank you, Dan.
from dws.
Abuse through Cheney: https://archive.org/details/TranceFormationOfAmerica_201804/page/n99/mode/2up
Abuse through Clinton: https://archive.org/details/TranceFormationOfAmerica_201804/page/n107/mode/2up
On Michael Aquino: https://archive.org/details/TranceFormationOfAmerica_201804/page/n115/mode/2up
On Reagan: https://archive.org/details/TranceFormationOfAmerica_201804/page/n129/mode/2up
On Hillary Clinton: https://archive.org/details/TranceFormationOfAmerica_201804/page/n155/mode/2up
The Bushes: https://archive.org/details/TranceFormationOfAmerica_201804/page/n165/mode/2up
Numbers of Missing Children: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304707604577424451609727644
's%20Global%20Missing%20Children's%20Centre,national%20response%20to%20missing%20children. Franklin Scandal: https://web.archive.org/web/20191220144444/http://tarpley.net/online-books/george-bush-the-unauthorized-biography/chapter-21-omaha/
Kay Griggs: https://rumble.com/embed/v395q80/
Roy Cohn, Epstein & Trump: https://coverthistory.ie/2024/01/07/a-tawdry-tradition-of-sexual-blackmail-jeffrey-epstein-was-but-one-in-a-line-of-blackmailers-roy-cohn-was-another-both-men-abused-children-cohn-was-donald-trumpss-mentor-he-abused-an-irish-boy/
Terrorism in Las Vegas and New Orleans: https://theconversation.com/the-new-orleans-attack-and-las-vegas-tesla-explosion-are-examples-of-the-us-militarys-violent-extremism-problem-246670
Human slavery: https://www.ilo.org/sites/default/files/wcmsp5/groups/public/@ed_norm/@ipec/documents/publication/wcms_854733.pdf
Disney and the Mickey Mouse Club: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3anOT6B8Ivbh/