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Speech of Ralf Ludwig at the 19th AZK: „No reconciliation without settling accounts“: All speeches of recent AZK (Anti-Censorship-Conference): More information about the initiators ZAAVV:
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16.12.2023 | www.kla.tv/27700
One sentence only is important to me, and it’s right here. I want you to keep repeating this sentence to all people who still doubt. A state must not kill innocent people. Most people believe that such a sentence only applies to cases of war or at war, but that is not true. This sentence also applies when the state forces people to take a substance into their bodies although official institutes, such as the Paul Ehrlich Institute and the Robert Koch Institute, say that it can ultimately have fatal side effects. A state is not allowed to kill people, innocent people. That is our message and let’s get the message out there. Thank you very much. Today, Sunday, December 10, 2023, on the 75th Human Rights Day, an unprecedented and very special historical event is taking place here in Karlsruhe. In the course of a major rally with talks and a parade, 599 criminal charges are being filed with the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office in Karlsruhe, Germany. This is directed against those responsible for the legal introduction of compulsory vaccination in the health professions and for members of the German armed forces, because accepting vaccine damage and vaccine deaths is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Section 7 of the International Criminal Code. According to the organizer, there will be no reconciliation as long as the perpetrators of the unlawful corona measures remain unpunished. High-ranking, competent speakers have announced their attendance at the rallies whose contributions will underline the scope of the crimes and the absolute need for action. Tobias Pörsel – German Lawyer As a lawyer, I would like to say, dear public prosecutor, that it is at least enough for an initial suspicion. And at this point I would like to take the opportunity to thank the doctors who then and now had the courage to say that Mr. Lauterbach lied. And Mr. Lauterbach not only lied, but he knowingly lied. There were and are side effects. There are vaccine injuries and nobody will be able to seriously deny that. And those who only want to shirk their responsibility. And in a functioning constitutional state, this should actually be clarified and acted upon. And there is someone here, who probably hardly anyone knows, who sometimes hangs around in buses, who initiated all this. It’s best if he introduces himself, he's a bit shy sometimes. I’d like to ask Ralf Ludwig to join me for a moment. Ralf Ludwig – German Lawyer Hello, thank you all for being here, for supporting this cause. I said in Stuttgart in the spring of 2021 that we would set up this center and that we would work on it and that we would not stop until those responsible for the coronavirus measures are held accountable. And we will start today with the criminal charges. We have many great colleagues on stage today, many lawyers who have been representing your interests for many years, who have been traveling from court to court for many years, trying to save and secure the rule of law to some extent. I would like to thank these colleagues who are here on stage today. Many of them are also standing here in front of the stage and have really done an incredible job. So we have many, many great people and I always think that in a state where a large number of lawyers rise up and speak out saying that what is happening is not right, there must be something wrong. I myself would like to hold back a little today because I think the focus today should be on our colleagues who have been fighting for your rights, for our rights, for years, not only in Germany but also in Austria and Switzerland. And there is only one sentence that is important to me, and it is at the front here. I would like you to keep repeating this sentence to all those people who still have doubts. A state must not kill innocent people. Most people believe that such a sentence only applies to cases of war or at war, but that is not true. This sentence also applies when the state forces people to take a substance into their bodies although the official institutes, such as the Paul Ehrlich Institute and the Robert Koch Institute, say that it can ultimately have fatal side effects. A state must not kill people, innocent people. That is our message and let’s get it out there. Thank you very much. Thomas Seitz – Bundestags-Abgeordneter We didn’t have a crisis because of corona, the crisis was the result of the coronavirus measures. The real crisis was not triggered by a virus, but by politics. It was a time of a legal state of emergency, although the Basic Law does not know a civil emergency due to natural disasters or epidemics at all. While the legislative and the executive branches outdid each other in their excessive encroachments on fundamental rights, the courts almost consistently failed in their function as guardians of freedom and fundamental rights. The judiciary sooner or later uncritically approved almost all legal impositions, even though there was no excess mortality in Germany. At least not until the start of the vaccination campaign with a vaccine that was not a vaccine but an experimental gene therapy. My favorite sentence from this time in the plenary of the German Bundestag was: The walkers out on the streets are defending the legal state and their criminalization is injustice. Dr. Michael Brunner – Austrian Lawyer From March 2020, everything that had previously characterized a democratic constitutional state and the state of medical science was overturned. Anyone who spoke out against this was defamed, insulted and persecuted. Doctors lost their right to practice medicine, they were dismissed from university and arbitrarily persecuted by the disciplinary authorities of the medical associations in accordance with government power and the bought media in order to ultimately silence them. Anyone who did not go along with the narrative and marched in unison with the mainstream became an outsider at best, and was ultimately excluded from public life, threatened in his existence and slandered. The damage caused by this is enormous. All events and all injustice must be dealt with and those responsible must be held liable and accountable. The critical judges and public prosecutors in Germany have got to the heart of the matter. The state order for a Covid-19 vaccination is willful killing. It is incompatible with the fundamental rights and freedoms of our constitution, the right of the peoples to self-determination. Giving unrestricted powers to a WHO that has not been democratically elected by any citizen of this world, its Director-General, and thus the self-appointed arrogant elites behind it, in the event of a potential or actual global health emergency, granting powers of control, monitoring and sanctioning rights without any possibility of review, without accountability and without liability, – this globalist project, which is controlled by Big Pharma, corporations and arrogant power elites, must be brought down in order to preserve the sovereignty of states and the sovereignty and inviolability of the dignity of each individual citizen. Claudio Zanetti – Swiss Politician We are gathered here on the Human Rights Square because today, 75 years ago, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This should actually be a reason to celebrate, but unfortunately we have to realize that 75 years is a fine time for a state, but you could say not even 100 years have passed and these human rights are being trampled underfoot. At the very beginning of this UN’s catalog, the UN states that all human beings own the same inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms from birth. Life, liberty and security of person, these are the values that are at stake. We will come to individual values later, but the point is that we have the same inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms from birth. And why do we have these same inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms? Because we are human beings. Because we are human beings, we have human rights. It goes on to say that all people are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law without distinction. But do you remember someone saying on television that anyone who doesn't comply is out of society? That’s outrageous. We are allowed to participate in society because we are human beings. Why are we allowed to take part in social life? … Exactly. It also says that no one may be arbitrarily arrested and detained. But we realize that justice has become a political weapon. When we think of Michael Ballweg, nine months of prison and in the end this isn’t even enough for a complaint. Dr. Christian Knoche – German Lawyer Dear friends, we must not simply cover the injustice of the last three and a half years with a cloak of silence or a cloak of oblivion. That’s what they would like us to, these forgetful Scholz-politicians, these state leaders of the illegal Conference of Minister Presidents. Illegal because it is not provided for in the Basic Law. This wave of criminalization against critical doctors must stop. I therefore call for all criminal and fine proceedings to be stopped, also for Germany. Never again must the years 2020 to 2023 be repeated in Germany. Never again, let us defend ourselves against the beginnings and continuations. That is what we stand for today here in Karlsruhe. Christian Moser – German Lawyer We have learned a lot over the past few years. We learned what fear does to people. We learned how fear can turn people against each other and make them irreconcilable. We learned how a policy of fear is directed against its own people. And we learned how fear even cast a spell over the judiciary. The victims of this policy of fear were not only those who criticized the government and were insulted by the government for it, those who were mistreated by the police and criminalized by the judiciary, but above all those people who abandoned their will to speak up for themselves in the face of fear. We stood up to it with the truth, not with our truth against the truth of others, but with an army of scientists from all over the world, against a handful of experts whose opinions were not allowed to be questioned. Beate Bahner – German Lawyer We have gathered here in Karlsruhe, in the so-called Residence of Law. And I gave my speech the title: “where right becomes injustice, resistance becomes duty”. Human dignity is inviolable. This ethical and legal principle is timeless as a fundamental principle. Human dignity is a central value of the German constitution, and due to the eternity clause in Article 79(3) of the Basic Law, is absolutely inviolable forever. Respect for human dignity prohibits the state from turning people into mere objects of state action. But when does the state treat people as mere objects? When it denies them their own thoughts, self-determined actions and free decisions. When the state abuses the trust of its citizens and justifies its measures with misleading or even deliberately false assumptions, then law becomes injustice based on the unscrupulous assertion of pandemics by the WHO, international right not only becomes international injustice, but, to my great concern, even international pandemic terror. Ralf Ludwig – German Lawyer We want clarification. We want this injustice of the last three years not to simply remain undone and, above all, for those responsible to really be held accountable. Thank you all for being here today and now I’ll click on “send message.” Dr. Christina Baum – AfD Member of Parliament Dear fellow campaigners, dear friends, it is wonderful to stand up here and see you all. You are the ones who helped prevent this general vaccination requirement, even though we were unable to prevent the facility-specific vaccination requirement at the time. Thank you for being on the streets and thank you for being here again today. Ralf Ludwig – German Lawyer We have now hit the ground running with these criminal charges. Now the whole thing is turning. We will hold the people who did this to account and I think Hubert Aiwanger said it, we are taking back our democracy. Thank you very much for being there. Excerpts from the press conference that took place after the demonstration: Beate Bahner – German lawyer The states are obliged to cooperate and, above all, who has immunity is the WHO, and the Secretary-General, who will really be the sole ruler, so to speak. We have no possibility of control, no possibility of legal review and, ultimately, immunity under criminal law. All of this must be of great concern to us all. Dr. Michael Brunner – Austrian lawyer We will have a permanent crisis mode. It will be a pandemic situation, pandemic situation comes from the German Bundestag, is then an even softer formulation for a pandemic than the pandemic itself in the IHR or in the treaty, were only vague legal terms are used. Of course, such a system is incompatible with human rights, violates the European Convention on Human Rights, the UN Treaty, the UN Covenant on Social Rights, the EU Treaty, human rights in general and, above all, human dignity. I therefore take the view, as does my colleague Mrs. Beate Bahner, that such a set of rules can never become a standard, because it undermines all human dignity. Claudio Zanetti – Swiss politician It is so easy to say, one sentence, human dignity is inviolable. But it’s not for nothing that this sentence is at the top of the German Basic Law, which everyone is so proud of. In Germany, it is always said that someone is leaving the ground of the Basic Law and so on, if you want to punish someone. But when a government says, yes, we are now sacrificing 10 people to save 1000, then it is the government that has lost the basis of the Basic Law. And we have to hold them accountable to that. Ralf Ludwig – German lawyer And we must not distinguish between valuable and unvaluable life. That is the connection to this criminal complaint. That is what my colleague Claudio Zanetti said. The state must not kill people. No consideration about life or death. That is the red line. The state does not have the right to decide whether life is valuable or unworthy. The state cannot say we accept 0.02 per cent.
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