Þessi síða notar vafrakökur. Vafrakökur hjálpa okkur að veita þjónustu okkar. Með því að nota þjónustu okkar samþykkir þú að við setjum vafrakökur. Hjá okkur eru gögnin þín örugg. Við sendum ekki neinar greiningu um þig eða samskiptagögn til þriðja aðila! Frekari upplýsingar er að finna í gagnaverndaryfirlýsingunni.
Engin lömunarveiki - Bill Gates er alvöru stórslys
Subtitle "Afrikaans" was produced by machine.Subtitle "አማርኛ" was produced by machine.Subtitle "العربية " was produced by machine.Subtitle "Ārāmāyâ" was produced by machine.Subtitle "azərbaycan dili " was produced by machine.Subtitle "беларуская мова " was produced by machine.Подзаглавието "България" е създадено от машина.Subtitle "বাংলা " was produced by machine.Subtitle "བོད་ཡིག" was produced by machine.Subtitle "босански" was produced by machine.Subtitle "català" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Cebuano" was produced by machine.Subtitle "ગુજરાતી" was produced by machine.Subtitle "corsu" was produced by machine.Podtitul "Čeština" byl vytvořen automaticky.Subtitle "Cymraeg" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Dansk" was produced by machine.Untertitel "Deutsch" wurde maschinell erzeugt.Subtitle "Untertitel" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Ελληνικά" was produced by machine.Subtitle "English" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Esperanto" was produced by machine.El subtítulo "Español" se generó automáticamente.Subtitle "Eesti" was produced by machine.Subtitle "euskara" was produced by machine.Subtitle "فارسی" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Suomi" was produced by machine.Le sous-titre "Français" a été généré automatiquement.Subtitle "Frysk" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Gaeilge" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Gàidhlig" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Galego" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Schwizerdütsch" was produced by machine.Subtitle "هَوُسَ" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Ōlelo Hawaiʻi" was produced by machine.Subtitle "עברית" was produced by machine.Subtitle "हिन्दी" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Mẹo" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Hrvatski" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Kreyòl ayisyen " was produced by machine.Subtitle "Magyar" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Հայերեն" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Bahasa Indonesia " was produced by machine.Subtitle "Asụsụ Igbo " was produced by machine.Textun"Íslenska" var framkvæmt vélrænt.Sottotitoli "Italiano" sono stati generati automaticamente.字幕は"日本語" 自動的に生成されました。Subtitle "Basa Jawa" was produced by machine.Subtitle "ქართული" was produced by machine.Subtitle "қазақ тілі " was produced by machine.Subtitle "ភាសាខ្មែរ" was produced by machine.Subtitle "ಕನ್ನಡ" was produced by machine.Subtitle "한국어" was produced by machine.Subtitle "कोंकणी語" was produced by machine.Subtitle "کوردی" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Кыргызча" was produced by machine.Subtitle " lingua latina" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Lëtzebuergesch" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Lingala" was produced by machine.Subtitle "ພາສາ" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Lietuvių" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Latviešu" was produced by machine.Subtitle "fiteny malagasy" was produced by machine.Subtitle "te reo Māori" was produced by machine.Subtitle "македонски јазик" was produced by machine.Subtitle "malayāḷaṁ" was produced by machine.Subtitle "မြန်မာစာ " was produced by machine.Subtitle "Монгол хэл" was produced by machine.Subtitle "मराठी" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Bahasa Malaysia" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Malti" was produced by machine.Subtitle "ဗမာစာ " was produced by machine.Subtitle "नेपाली" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Nederlands" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Norsk" was produced by machine.Subtitle "chiCheŵa" was produced by machine.Subtitle "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Polska" was produced by machine.Subtitle "پښتو" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Português" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Română" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Язык жестов (Русский)" was produced by machine.Субтитры "Pусский" были созданы машиной.Subtitle "Kinyarwanda" was produced by machine.Subtitle "सिन्धी" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Deutschschweizer Gebärdensprache" was produced by machine.Subtitle "සිංහල" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Slovensky" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Slovenski" was produced by machine.Subtitle "gagana fa'a Samoa" was produced by machine.Subtitle "chiShona" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Soomaaliga" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Shqip" was produced by machine.Subtitle "србски" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Sesotho" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Basa Sunda" was produced by machine.Undertext "Svenska" är maskinell skapad.Subtitle "Kiswahili" was produced by machine.Subtitle "தமிழ்" was produced by machine.Subtitle "తెలుగు" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Тоҷикй" was produced by machine.Subtitle "ภาษาไทย" was produced by machine.Subtitle "ትግርኛ" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Tagalog" ay nabuo sa pamamagitan ng makina.
Subtitle "Türkçe" was produced by machine.Subtitle "татар теле" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Українська " was produced by machine.Subtitle "اردو" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Oʻzbek" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Tiếng Việt" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Serbšćina" was produced by machine.Subtitle "isiXhosa" was produced by machine.Subtitle "ייִדיש" was produced by machine.Subtitle "Yorùbá" was produced by machine.Subtitle "中文" was produced by machine.Subtitle "isiZulu" was produced by machine.
kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV не носи отговорност за некачествен превод.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV nenese žádnou odpovědnost za chybné překlady.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV übernimmt keine Haftung für mangelhafte Übersetzung.kla.TV accepts no liability for inadequate translationkla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV no se hace responsable de traducciones incorrectas.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV n'assume aucune responsabilité en cas de mauvaise traduction.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for 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Walang pananagutan ang TV sa mga depektibong pagsasalin.
kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.kla.TV accepts no liability for defective translation.
Engin lömunarveiki - Bill Gates er alvöru stórslys
Alþjóðleg bólusetningarherferð Bill Gates er sögð hafa það að markmiði að uppræta mænusótt. Staðreyndin er hinsvegar að gríðalegur bólusetningarskaði hefur sannast og bólusetningarnar sjálfar hafa valdið lömunarveiki! Að Gates haldi áfram með sínar vel útsmognu milljarða dollara bólusetningarherferðir og hvernig stjórnvöld taka enn þátt, sýnir að þetta snýst ekki um heilsu barna heldur hagnað.
[Lesa meira]
Þann 12. desember 2022 greindi Kla.TV frá því hvernig sjúkdóma-hamfaraáróður leiðir alltaf til bólusetningarherferða. [www.kla.tv/24442].
Einn sem skilur þetta sérstaklega útsmogið
og hrindir á stað margra milljarða bóluefnaherferð er Bill Gates
Í dag munum við sýna hvernig þetta virkar með því að taka dæmi af lömunarveiki.
Og - það sem er sérstaklega alvarlegt -
mesta hættan stafar ekki af lömunarveiki sjúkdómnum sjálfum
heldur frekar frá mænusóttarbólusetningum!
Árið 2022 staðfestist þetta fyrir tilstillan mænusóttarherferðar sem hófst í New York. Ríkisstjórnir í nokkrum löndum þrýstu ákaft á bólusetningar gegn lömunarveiki, sér í lagi hjá ungum börnum eingöngu vegna eins vafasams sjúkdómstilviks. Í mars 2023 ekki löngu eftir að bólusetningarherferðir hófust, tilkynntu heilbrigðisfulltrúar í Lýðveldinu Kongó og Búrúndí um tilvik þar sem börn lömuðust af völdum mænusóttarbóluefnis. Þetta bóluefni er beint tengt nýju nOPV2 mænusóttarbóluefninu sem þróað er af Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Nú skulum við líta aðeins aftur í tímann:
Í apríl 2013 sagði Bill Gates
að það væri „forgangsverkefni“ hans að útrýma lömunarveiki.
Og það þrátt fyrir að það ár voru „eingöngu“ 19 tilfelli um allan heim!
Frá því að Gates tók á sig þessa „skuldbindingu“ hafa milljarðir dollara flætt í þessa herferð um allan heim. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative sagði að 600 milljónir skammta af nýja bóluefninu hefðu verið gefnir í 28 löndum frá því í mars 2021 og ítrekaði að bóluefnið væri „öruggt og áhrifaríkt“.
Árið 2022 fengu 800 börn lömunarveiki af völdum bólusetninganna.
Afganistan og Pakistan eru nú að tilkynna fleiri tilfelli af lömun af völdum mænusóttarveiru úr bóluefninu en af villtum vírusum, og það hafa verið mörg smit tilfelli af bóluefna mænusóttarsýkingu víðsvegar um Afríku þar sem eingöngu árið 2020 skilur meira en 1.000 börn eftir lömuð.
Það er ekki lömunarveikin heldur bólusetningarherferðirnar sem færa Gates ómældan auð sem eru hin raunverulega hörmung!
22.07.2023 | www.kla.tv/26599
Þann 12. desember 2022 greindi Kla.TV frá því hvernig sjúkdóma-hamfaraáróður leiðir alltaf til bólusetningarherferða. [www.kla.tv/24442]. Einn sem skilur þetta sérstaklega útsmogið og hrindir á stað margra milljarða bóluefnaherferð er Bill Gates Í dag munum við sýna hvernig þetta virkar með því að taka dæmi af lömunarveiki. Og - það sem er sérstaklega alvarlegt - mesta hættan stafar ekki af lömunarveiki sjúkdómnum sjálfum heldur frekar frá mænusóttarbólusetningum! Árið 2022 staðfestist þetta fyrir tilstillan mænusóttarherferðar sem hófst í New York. Ríkisstjórnir í nokkrum löndum þrýstu ákaft á bólusetningar gegn lömunarveiki, sér í lagi hjá ungum börnum eingöngu vegna eins vafasams sjúkdómstilviks. Í mars 2023 ekki löngu eftir að bólusetningarherferðir hófust, tilkynntu heilbrigðisfulltrúar í Lýðveldinu Kongó og Búrúndí um tilvik þar sem börn lömuðust af völdum mænusóttarbóluefnis. Þetta bóluefni er beint tengt nýju nOPV2 mænusóttarbóluefninu sem þróað er af Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Nú skulum við líta aðeins aftur í tímann: Í apríl 2013 sagði Bill Gates að það væri „forgangsverkefni“ hans að útrýma lömunarveiki. Og það þrátt fyrir að það ár voru „eingöngu“ 19 tilfelli um allan heim! Frá því að Gates tók á sig þessa „skuldbindingu“ hafa milljarðir dollara flætt í þessa herferð um allan heim. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative sagði að 600 milljónir skammta af nýja bóluefninu hefðu verið gefnir í 28 löndum frá því í mars 2021 og ítrekaði að bóluefnið væri „öruggt og áhrifaríkt“. Árið 2022 fengu 800 börn lömunarveiki af völdum bólusetninganna. Afganistan og Pakistan eru nú að tilkynna fleiri tilfelli af lömun af völdum mænusóttarveiru úr bóluefninu en af villtum vírusum, og það hafa verið mörg smit tilfelli af bóluefna mænusóttarsýkingu víðsvegar um Afríku þar sem eingöngu árið 2020 skilur meira en 1.000 börn eftir lömuð. Það er ekki lömunarveikin heldur bólusetningarherferðirnar sem færa Gates ómældan auð sem eru hin raunverulega hörmung!
eftir bua/wou